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The post provides tips for white kids to gain an advantage over black energy. The author argues that nothing had to die to gain power over darkness and that black energy obeys all the known laws of natural thermodynamics and physical laws. The post also discusses the spiritual nature of blood and the physical nature of Satan.

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The article discusses the effects of cigarette smoke and marijuana in a vacuum. It suggests that cigarette smoke creates more healthy oxygen, while marijuana helps a vacuum remain a true vacuum. The article also implies that marijuana is being legalized to control people, while cigarettes are being criminalized. The author claims that the people responsible for controlling the five physical sense realm work for Dark Black Color.

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The author advocates for the establishment of a one world global economy, a digital cashless system, a standardized internet, a global language, a single religion, and a global leader. They also suggest legalizing prostitution, criminalizing abortion, and lowering the age of consent for various activities. The author emphasizes the need to start with creating a global currency in 2021.

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This article discusses the similarities between the cause of death from VX Nerve Gas exposure and COVID-19. The author stumbled upon an article about VX Nerve Gas production and discovered that the final cause of death is asphyxiation, not nerve damage. The article goes on to explain the chemical routes and hormones involved in VX Nerve Gas exposure, leading to the inability to produce oxygen and ultimately death by asphyxiation. The author draws parallels between this and the cause of death in COVID-19 cases.

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This article warns kids and young people about the lies of the Hebrew Greek Judeo-Christian scriptures and the murderous impostor Jehovah YHWH Tetragrammaton. It advises to run from all gods on Earth as they desire to own all souls, which are eternal energy sources. The article also claims that souls born on Earth are different from any other planet and can power a galaxy when harnessed together. It also states that Jesus Christ is an abusive lying killer and a vampire who did not die on the cross.

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